Please carefully read the following submission instructions and formatting requirements before submitting your work to ICBM 2023 in order to avoid desk rejection of your paper.
ICBM 2023 Conference Paper Submission Template: All submissions must use
ICBM 2023 Conference Paper Template.
Any submission that doesn’t use the above ICBM 2023 Conference Paper template or doesn’t adhere to these formatting requirements will be desk rejected.
Submission Type: The submission type “Full Length Paper or Research-in-Progress Paper” should be mentioned just below the paper title where it says “Submission Type” by replacing the text and using the same format.
Abstract Length: Please ensure the length of abstract must not exceed 250 words (for full length paper and research in progress paper) and 500 words (for student posters).
Originality: All submissions to ICBM 2023 must be original and not under submission or review by any other conference or research journal.
Language: The language of conference is English. Any of the English language dialects such as British, American, Australian or Canadian is accepted in conference submissions provided it is used consistently.
Submission Document Type: All submissions must be in PDF format. Submissions done in other format will not be considered for review process.
Paper Length: Each submission type has a specific page length as mentioned in the below table. Submissions exceeding the prescribed page length will be rejected without review.
Anonymous Submissions: All submissions must be anonymized i.e., the Authors name(s) should not appear anywhere on the paper, document properties or pdf file. Please be informed that the submissions revealing author names will be desk rejected outright without any further review. Also don’t include anything in the Acknowledgement Section until the final version is accepted.
Order and Number of Authors: Each author can make a maximum of 5 submissions. After initial submission, authors new authors cannot be added, or previous authors deleted from the paper.
Copyrights: For all the papers accepted into ICBM 2023, the copyrights will be retained by the authors. However, the authors, by submitting their papers agree that ICBM 2023 Program Committee at MAJU can publish and reproduce any accepted papers in the participating journals on separate terms and conditions.
Where to Submit Paper: All papers must be submitted via Microsoft CMT submission system at CMT Link which requires creation of an account if you already don’t have one.
• Page Size & Margins: Follow standard A4 size default page margins. All no-text data must be aligned within these margins.
• Paper Title:
Must be 16 points size and centered with Arial Black font. The title should be First word capital i.e. (International Conference on Business & Management 2023).
• Headings & Subheadings:All first order headings must be 14 points, Bold, Century Gothic Font style. All second order headings must be 12 points, Bold, Century Gothic Font style. All third order headings must be 11 points, Italicized, Century Gothic Font style.
• Body Text: The text in the body along with references must use 10 points, Justified, Century Gothic Font style.
• Sections: Ensure sections are not assigned any serial number.
• Indent:Do not indent the first line of a new paragraph.
• References: Make sure to include the word “References” using 12 points, Bold, Century Gothic Font style) just before the references. Reference style to be used is APA. All reference entries must be in alphabetical order and use 10 points, Justified, Century Gothic Font style. The line space between the references should be 1 pt. References should not be assigned any numbers or bullets.
• Line Spacing: Ensure the line spacing is 1.15.
• Spacing Between the Paragraphs: Use the 6 points spacing between the paragraphs.
• Figure/Table Caption: All tables, figure must use 10 points, Centered & Bold Century Gothic Font style.
• Picture/Image Format: All text, tables, figures, appendices (if any) and references must be inserted into your body of paper as relevant. The pictures and images must be in JPG/PNG format.
• Short Paper Title: Make sure to include a short paper title (up to 8 words maximum) in the page header. Don’t alter header margins.
• Conference Details: The footer of the paper should include the conference title “International Conference on Business & Management (ICBM) 2023, MAJU, Karachi” using 10 points, Centered, Bold & italicized Century Gothic Font style.