Guidelines For Submission

All papers must be original and not under consideration by another conference or research journal. Papers are invited in the following categories.

a) Guidelines for Full Length Papers

The full-length research papers (16 pages maximum) should describe unpublished and original work related to any of the above conference themes. The page limit includes everything in the submission (i.e. title, text, figures, tables, appendices (if any) and references. Submissions exceeding this limit will be automatically rejected. For empirical studies, full length research papers should include complete analyses and results. Th full length papers should be treated as similar to a journal submission but shorter in length. All submitted papers must conform to the ICBM 2023 submission requirements mentioned in the ‘Submission Formatting Requirements and Checklist’ section. Please click here for a sample full length conference paper.
Review Process Criteria for Full Length Papers
• Topic is relevant to the chosen theme.
• Research Problem and objectives are clearly mentioned.
• Paper is well-written (i.e., it is well structured, has a logical flow and connectivity).
• Paper is interesting and draws readers’ attention.
• Literature review is appropriate and adequate (considering the prescribed length of the paper)
• Research methodology is appropriate & relevant/Materials and Methods are appropriate & relevant.
• Analyses, results & discussions are appropriate.
• Paper makes valuable and original contributions.
• References are sufficient, relevant and consistent.

b) Guidelines for Research-in-Progress Papers

The Research-in-Progress papers (10 pages maximum) should describe unpublished and original work related to any of the above conference themes. The page limit includes everything in the submission (i.e. title, text, figures, tables, appendices (if any) and references. Submissions exceeding this limit will be automatically rejected. The Research-in-Progress papers should highlight your ongoing research with expected research contribution on the basis of anticipated data collection & methods. The papers could take the form of a novel theoretical concept, perspective or framework, or an empirical work with initial results. Such papers can also include a business system, product prototype, service model or platform which is yet to be tested. The Research-in-Progress papers should also include brief details about what is still required to complete the work. As an early career researcher or research student, presenting your work-in-progress paper would help you get valuable feedback from experienced researchers on how to further improve the quality and novelty of your work before submitting to an appropriate journal outlet. All papers must conform to the ICBM 2023 requirements mentioned in the ‘Submission Instructions and Formatting Requirements’ section. Please click here for a sample Research-in Progress Conference Paper.
Review Process Criteria for Research-in-Progress Papers
•Topic is relevant to the chosen theme
• Research Problem and objectives are clearly mentioned.
• Paper is well-written (i.e., it is well structured, has a logical flow and connectivity).
• Paper is interesting and draws readers’ attention.
• Literature review is appropriate and adequate (considering the prescribed length of the paper)
• Research methodology is appropriate & relevant/Materials and Methods are appropriate & relevant.
• Analyses, results & discussions are appropriate (if applicable).
• Paper has the potential to make valuable and original contributions.
• References are sufficient, relevant and consistent.

c) Guidelines for Posters

Participants should submit 1-page PPT based Poster along with a 400-500 words Abstract/ Summary (as applicable) of their work. The poster should provide key details of their Startup Project/Final Year Project/Business (Research) Project/Industry Project/Capstone that they have recently completed related to the design/development/creation/implementation of a product, service, system, process, technology, platform etc. Research students can also present a poster from their MS/M.Phil & PhD work. Presenting your work as a poster would help you get diverse feedback from researchers, consultants and industry experts and they will also get an opportunity to pitch and potentially get sponsorship or at least validation of their proposed idea. The specific submission requirements are in the ‘Submission Instructions and Formatting Requirements’ section.
1-page PPT based Poster along with a 400-500 words Abstract/Summary must be submitted while registering for the conference at the following link.
Please Click Here For Google Form Ristration Link
Click here for the Business Poster Template.
Click here for the Research Poster Template.